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Give Visitors Access to Your Uptime Statistics
You can display the uptime statistics for any of your monitored devices from your own site.
You can also show off your network status & uptime in a list, if you monitor several devices, and (optionally) link to the uptime statistics for each device.
To link to an uptime statistics page from your site, cut and paste the code below, and replace the parameters in the url as follows:
accountID - Alertra account ID.
(The accountID can be found near the top of the Account form.)
abrv - Alertra device abbreviation.
(The abbreviation can be found on the Devices form in the Device column.)
color1 - (Optional) HTML display color 1.
color2 - (Optional) HTML display color 2.
stitle - (Optional) Display title.
Example HTML/JavaScript Code:
<a href="https://uptime.alertra.com/uptime?pin=067807&abrv=YAHO&color1=White&color2=%23005A5A&stitle=YAHOO+UPTIME" onclick="javascript:window.open('https://uptime.alertra.com/uptime?pin=067807&abrv=YAHO&color1=White&color2=%23005A5A&stitle=YAHOO+UPTIME', 'alertrapopup','scrollbars=0,location=1,status=1,width=500,height=350,left=200,top=100'); return false;">Example Uptime Page Link</a>
Make sure to use your own PIN and device abbreviation.
You can also build uptime statistics into your own page directly using XML.
Example XML URL:
Make sure to use your own PIN and device abbreviation.