Alertra Script Language 1.9

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1. Introduction

Alertra ASL scripts are used by Alertra to perform a check of a given Internet resource. ASL provides mechanisms to specify the Internet resource, provide parameters to the various checks made, and check the results. ASL scripts run on the Alertra’s network of remote monitoring stations, no software is installed on customer servers to run ASL scripts.

1.1. Features

ASL can check the following types of Internet resources:

Webmasters are continually on the watch for hackers and the possible defacement of their websites. ASL provides several means of detecting that changes have been made to the site:

1.2. Getting Started

The best way to get started with ASL is to read the Tutorial. In it you will find examples of several common scripts that you can use as a basis for your own scripts. There are also several articles available on site under the heading Scripting: Unlock the Power of Alertra .

Alertra Script Language: Introduction