
Who’s Telling You about Your Website Downtime?

Having your website go down is bad enough, but having to be told by one’s colleagues that your site is down when you don’t even realize it can be quite the embarrassing experience.

The LA ShoeGirl blog and website has been experiencing some technical difficulties that took the site down and then brought it back up, although it’s still not fully functional. If you read the blog post at the LA ShoeGirl blog, you can see that it’s been quite the frustrating experience for the website owner. Not only did she have to find out from colleagues that her site was down, she was left at the mercy of her web host to get back up and running. As she states on the pages of her blog, “Don’t really want to get into the boring, and stressful details around it, but it’s being worked on at the moment. You will see some links missing on NALINIARORA.COM and there are definitely some funky things missing on this blog page. Hopefully it will be cleared up this week.”

The message from the website owner is quite clear. She’s stressed, she’s frustrated and she probably feels helpless. She’s “hoping” that things will be cleared up this week. But is hoping for someone else to step in and fix things really enough?

Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

So what can we learn from the LA ShoeGirl’s experience? First and foremost, the last thing you want is to be the last one to know when your site goes down. Alertra customers don’t have this problem. We notify you if your site is experiencing outages or downtime. Once you know there’s an outage, you can take measures into your own hands.

As we’ve discussed before, a backup plan is crucial and the LA ShoeGirl’s experience is a perfect example of this fact. With a backup plan in place, she could temporarily move the hosting of her blog and site and have things up and running properly. Unfortunately, she’s left at the mercy of the “powers that be” to get her site back up and running for her.

Don’t make the same mistake. Don’t leave the success or the operation of your site in the hands of your web host. Have a backup plan should something go wrong and make sure you’re the first to know – not the last – when an outage or downtime does occur.