The Web has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Those who operate online businesses understand that uptime is vital to the success of your site. Every single minute of downtime equates to lost profits. How much your site loses when it’s down will depend on a number of factors, but the truth is that any amount of downtime means that your profits are indeed at risk. Because of this, it is crucial that you know the moment your site goes down, and not a minute later.
Larger eCommerce sites can easily lose $500,000 or more per hour of downtime. According to some reports, the average site loses $100,000 for each hour of downtime that occurs. Now let’s say that your site doesn’t even pull in close to that amount of profit. For the sake of example, let’s say your site loses just one-tenth of that amount, which would be $10,000 per hour (or about $167 per minute). Even if your site achieves uptime of 99.5 percent, that means that you’re still encountering about 3.5 hours of downtime each month. Using the profit example above, that would equate to a loss of $35,000 each and every month. Can your site afford to lose that amount of money?
As an owner of a profitable online business, you want to ensure that you are doing everything you can to keep your site’s profits to a maximum. You don’t want to be hemorrhaging profits each and every month. That means doing everything you can to minimize the amount of downtime your site experiences. How, exactly, do you go about doing this?
One of the best tools to use in the fight against downtime (and the profits lost because of it) is a quality website monitoring service. A quality website monitor will alert you via SMS text message, email, and phone the moment your site goes down. When you receive immediate notification that your site is down, you can take immediate action to correct whatever may be causing the downtime or implement a failover plan if necessary. The sooner you find out about the downtime, the sooner your site can be back up and running again. Even if the website monitoring service is only able to cut your website downtime by 25 percent each month, that $35,000 in lost profits turns into $26,250 in lost profits. While that’s still a hefty loss, something as simple and affordable as quality website monitoring would be adding $8,750 each and every month back into your bottom line. That equates to about $105,000 each year.
While quality website monitoring may not be free, it is one business investment that can pay for itself many times over. When you realize just how much money your site loses due to downtime and just how much money website monitoring services can add back into your bottom line, the option to invest in a quality monitoring service becomes somewhat of a no-brainer.