Do You Know Your Website's Uptime?

Some businesses tend to follow the line of thought that as Internet technology advances, website downtime will eventually become a thing of the past. The fact of the matter is that the only way website downtime is going to become a thing of the past is if those very same business owners take monitoring the uptime of their websites very seriously put action plans in place for when a site outage does occur. If you are among those who have not yet considered the importance of website monitoring service , you need to ask yourself, do you really know what your website’s uptime looks like?

Monitoring and Reporting Your Uptime Stats

Quality website monitoring services don’t just monitor your site for potential downtime . They also help you understand your uptime statistics and often give you the ability to publish those uptime stats to your customers. What is the point in publishing uptime stats? Well, considering that many consumers feel that a site’s uptime is an indication of its reliability, a good uptime stat published on your site can help your online business build the credibility it needs.

Who’s Monitoring Your Site’s Performance?

If you don’t have anyone monitoring the uptime of your website, then you really don’t have any way of getting an accurate picture of how well your site is performing or if there are measures you need to take to make improvements. In a situation such as this, your customers may actually have a better idea of how reliable your site is and how well it performs, and if there are problems with your site’s reliability and/or performance, that’s a serious issue.

A site that experiences frequent downtime without having a handle on performance issues and site outages is a site that is highly unlikely to achieve any serious level of success. If success is somehow achieved, that success will be short-lived if the company doesn’t get a handle on its downtime and does not start monitoring the performance of its website.

If you think your site isn’t prone to downtime due to the fact that you’re with a reliable hosting service, think twice. Even Internet giants like eBay are known to go down from time to time, as we saw earlier this week when the eBay site went down for a few hours, affecting customers across the globe. If a site like eBay can go down, your site can go down too.

Why Website Monitoring Service Matters

A quality website monitoring service will ensure that you know the moment your site suffers downtime, allowing you to go to work to correct the problem as soon as possible. Furthermore, the service will ensure that you have the big picture when it comes to your site’s uptime and performance. Without this picture, it is impossible to know where improvements need to be made or how performance issues may be affecting your customers and, ultimately, your profits.