IT and Website Downtime: Numbers Your Business Can’t Afford to Ignore

We all know that IT and website downtime cost companies money, but it doesn’t really hit you just how hard these numbers affect your business’s bottom line to until you see them spread out before you. While every business is different, the average cost of downtime for a large online business is in the millions. Here we break down just how much downtime can be costing your business, and what you can do to minimize that number.

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Why Having Good Website Uptime is Important?

Uptime measures the time a website is up and running online. This is a technical definition which is quite easy to understand. But, what you must also know is the importance of uptime for your business. Whether you are a multinational corporation, small business, retailer, blogger or an e-commerce platform- if the web traffic cannot reach your site, for all practical purposes your online business channel is closed. That explains why site uptime, the percentage of time a site is available to internet users, is an important metric for a website.

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What to Expect When Selecting a Web Monitoring Service for Your Business

If you maintain a website, do make arrangements to monitor it. You might be wondering why you need to monitor your site. It is very important to ensure that your website is accessible for the web traffic. If it is not up or functional, it will affect your business goals. If the site experiences regular downtime and is not fully functional, the primary purpose of the site is not being met. However, you cannot visit your website every few minutes and check if all the elements are functional. Then, what to do?

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The Key Elements of a Performance Website in 2018

Whether your website is hosted on a Unix or Windows hosting plan is not known to most visitors of your site. Similarly, your visitors may not know if your site is using traditional hosting or cloud hosting. Further, whether your site is built with the latest software like Python or is another ubiquitous WordPress site is also not easy to distinguish for most visitors. However, visitors can judge when your site is performing good and when they are experiencing performance issues with your site. Their method of evaluation is practical, simple and functional.

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Website Performance: Why it Matters and How to Improve Speeds

We often discuss website downtime, why it’s detrimental to your business, what you can do to prevent it, and how to overcome it quickly when it does happen. However, website downtime isn’t the only issue that can have a negative impact on your online business. Website performance issues can hit you just as hard if you aren’t careful. Here we will discuss why website performance is just as important as website uptime, how to improve your site’s speeds, and how website monitoring can help you keep an eye on the performance of your site.

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