Uncover Site Usability & Performance Issues with Monitoring Methods and Tools

When you are creating a website, you have to keep in mind that no website is perfect in first attempt. This means you need to monitor the site and perform a number of usability tests before you actually launch the site. If your site has usability issues, it can result in poor user experience and needless to say that it will make your site unpopular with users. 

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Top 5 Reasons Why E-Commerce Websites Need Monitoring

When you have an ecommerce site, you would want it to succeed and not only have good sales revenues but also have good profitability. Once you have achieved this goal, you would want to make sure that your online store business continues to be successful. Whether your goal is to make your E-commerce site successful or maintain the success, you should regularly monitor your site so that it performs in the best possible manner. 

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Options For Hosting A Website - Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, SSD Hosting And Cloud Hosting

Understand the different types of website hosting. Today, several options exist for hosting a website - shared hosting, dedicated hosting, SSD hosting And cloud hosting

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How Retailer Websites Can Overcome User Experience Problems?

In order to make sure that your online retail website is successful, you must focus on having a site that converts a visitor into a paying customer rate of conversions for your site. Once you have driven the traffic to your site, you need to convince them to purchase the products from your ecommerce site, and this process is not that easy. However, there can be a number of obstacles that can make it difficult for your business site to achieve optimal number of sales conversions from the visitors to the site.

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Why Failover Support is Needed for Websites?

When you want to attain success with your online business, you cannot afford to have frequent downtime of your website and your hosted applications. When the site is down due to web host failure, the first thing that comes to anybody’s mind is to change the service or opt for a better plan. But this is not the ultimate solution because even the big players in hosting service experience downtime issues. Since the problem is not in your control, when downtime instances happen you just have to wait for the hosting service to resolve the issue.

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