Now-a-days, downtime has become major topic of interest for all website owners. Companies that largely depend on websites for business take many possible measures to avoid downtime issues but to their disappointment at least once or twice in an year they come across unexpected outages. Zero downtime is fairly rare for websites because for some reason or the other the site will have interruption in its service. No matter whether the site is on cloud or with a typical traditional host, it has to go through scheduled periods of planned downtime for upgrade and maintenance.
Read more →How fast a website should load to avoid the risk of losing visitors? Now-a-days, a few seconds difference is enough for users to decide about the website. If the site doesn’t load as quickly as possible within first few seconds, the users leave the site. There is quite a difference in how a HTML coded website responds to the users than a WordPress site. Websites that are made of simple HTML5/CSS3 load faster because there is no dependency on plugins and themes. WordPress websites mostly depend on plugins or themes. Using poorly coded plugins and bloated themes can make the site very slow.
Read more →For many companies, system outages and data losses cause inconvenience in business operations. To avoid this, companies are replacing the long-standing technology such as traditional website hosting with cloud platforms. But the question is how well the new cloud technology is withstanding the downtime issues? Regardless of the choice of the service setup (Public, Private or Hybrid) cloud platforms do experience downtime issues when things go wrong. Along with the array of benefits, cloud comes with certain downsides which can pose a risk to the continuity of businesses and websites.
Read more →In today’s Internet-driven society we all know how crucial website monitoring is in avoiding unnecessary downtime. We also know that avoiding downtime is necessary to the success of any website. However, that knowledge is often only skin deep and stops with those two facts. Here we will discuss the many facets of how downtime can affect your business and why tools, such as a quality website monitoring service, play such a crucial role in helping your website attain its full potential in regard to online success.
Read more →When a website is down, it can jeopardize the reputation of an online business. The customers will be unhappy and it could lead to lost sales. To automate the consistent check on site accessibility and functionality it has become mandatory for online businesses to use monitoring service for their websites. There are also several site monitoring service providers with different features and monitoring abilities. Many low quality providers come up with one-size-fits-all methodology where they implement a few common services required by most websites.
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