How to Optimize Websites for Global Audience?

Having global perspective allows businesses to serve internationally and tap into new markets and opportunities. To serve international audience online businesses need to think through many aspects such as sales, shipping, customer support and of course making the site suitable for global availability. To make the online business appeal to people from different locations it is essential that the site should be optimized for global markets. Many businesses think that providing content in multiple languages is enough to cater to world-wide audience.

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Different types of Application Program Interfaces (APIs)

This has increased the importance of APIs (Application Programming Interface) in building dynamic applications for enterprise computing and web services.

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Disaster Recovery Re-defined as Business Continuity

Until recently, disaster recovery plan for most companies was about preserving operational data by planned backups in servers and data centres.

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Why APIs Matter for a Business?

Earlier, APIs were mostly related to operating systems and desktop applications. But today, they are integral part of mobile technology, cloud computing, e-commerce, social media and many other major industries.

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When Amazon’s AW3 S3 Goes Down, almost 150,000 Websites Go Down with It: Is Your Site, Service, or App One of Them?

The sooner you know about a problem with Amazon’s AWS S3 services, the sooner you can get your website up and running, putting your failsafe plan to work until the issue has been completely resolved.

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