Terms to Know Before Purchasing a Website Monitoring Service

Online businesses can generate maximum revenues only if their site is continuously available to the customers without any disruptions. For this reason, site owners goal is to keep their websites live and fully functional without interruption. That means they need to adopt some tool or methodology to monitor downtime instances, uptime and the site response to provide better user experience. By monitoring the sites with an appropriate tool they can reduce the risk of website failures and downtimes which cause revenue losses.

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Can Website Testing Tools Replace The Benefits of Monitoring Service?

Tracking website uptime and keeping a regular check on performance is one of the most challenging task for website owners. Different tools are being used for testing different aspects of the website, some of them are used for testing the site speed while others test performance & load impacts. Due to availability of numerous tools on the web, site owners get confused in selecting the right one for their websites.

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How to Handle Things When The Website is Down ?

In many cases, website downtime is disastrous for online businesses. Despite the effort and planning to keep the site up and running, things could go wrong and the site may experience disruptions in functionality. The impact mostly depends on type of business, downtime duration and audience behavior. In case of B2B, the effect of downtime will probably be less because they have very limited traffic visiting their websites. However, businesses that depend heavily on websites for revenues experience large negative impact.

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Types of Website Monitoring Services That You May Need To Avoid

In today's technology environment, the success or failure of any business mostly depends on consumers experience on the online websites or applications. There are many factors that influence the consumers impression on a particular brand. When they take the big decision to abandon a known brand for its competitor, it could be because they might have had bad digital experience while working with your website. Users come with varied expectations and the way they interact with the website is also different.

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How a DDos Attack Can Affect Your Online Performance?

Downtime can be frustrating for customers if they are unable to access website of an online business. One of the reasons for denial of access could be insufficient hosting resources where the servers or entire network stop functioning due to overwhelming requests from the users. For instance, during holiday season, some e-commerce websites experience sudden surge in traffic and become unavailable to the users until the problem gets resolved.

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