When Your Web Host Fails: Steps You Can Take to Recover Losses and Eliminate Future Downtime

Nothing can hit a website quite as hard as a bout of website downtime. Website downtime can lead to customer frustration, damage to your brand’s reputation, and significant profit loss. It can even wreak havoc on your website’s rankings in the search engines if left unchecked. If your web hosting provider is the cause of your website’s downtime, there are steps you can take to recover losses and eliminate unnecessary downtime in the future.

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What Your Web Host Doesn’t Want You to Know about Downtime

When it comes to website downtime, there are a few things your web host would rather you stay in the dark about. Things like uptime guarantees, shared hosting plans, and other issues pertinent to the uptime and success of your website. Before you decide whether or not your hosting provider really is living up to its promises or if it’s even the hosting provider that you should be doing business with, there are a few things you need to understand about website hosting and how it pertains to the downtime of your website.

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Recovering from Website Downtime: How to Build Back Trust & Prevent Future Issues

When your website goes down, it’s not just your website’s profits that are put at risk. The reputation of your site also takes a hit when downtime strikes. Bouts of website downtime often create trust issues amongst online consumers and can make customer retention (a priority for online businesses) harder to maintain. Fortunately, by taking the right steps to build back trust and prevent future issues, you can undo some of the harm created by the downtime episodes all online businesses dread.

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5 Things to Demand from Your Website Monitoring Service

In the world of website monitoring, not all services are created equal. When you pay for a company to monitor your website’s downtime, there are things that you should come to expect of that company and you should never settle for inferior service. There are five things that every quality website monitoring service provides, and you should demand each of these five things from any service you entrust with the monitoring of your website. If you aren’t getting all five of these things from your website monitoring service, it may be time to considering changing who you do business with.

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How Much Business Will Your Company Lose During a Website Outage?

There are few things in life that are considered to be unavoidable certainties. Death and taxes are the top of these unavoidable certainties that people usually imagine when they begin to consider the things that just can’t be avoided. Another certainty that affects everyone and anyone who does business online is website downtime and the resulting loss of business and profits that go along with said downtime. The question is, exactly how much business will your company lose when your website goes down?

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