Website Monitoring Services: How They Can Help Minimize Your Website Downtime

You know how damaging website downtime can be to your online business. That’s why you put countless hours into finding the right hosting provider and the perfect hosting plan for your business’s online presence. Now that your site has been properly programmed, everything is running seamlessly, and your site is live and online, you can sit back and stop worrying. Right? Actually this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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How Website Monitoring Service Can Help Mitigate the Dangers of Cheap Website Hosting Plans

When it comes to the products and services that your business uses, cost is obviously one of the contributing factors when deciding which products and services your business utilizes. Unfortunately, cheaper does not usually mean better and there has been much said about the dangers of cheap website hosting plans. Does that mean you have to spend an arm and a leg on your hosting plan to avoid these dangers?

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Minimizing the Downtime of Your Website

As we discussed last week, 0 downtime is an impossibility even with the best team, tools, and resources. However, it is possible to drop your downtime from over 8 hours a year to under one hour a year if you put certain practices and measures into place. This week we will discuss some of the things you need to do to minimize the downtime of your site and ensure that you achieve as much uptime as possible.

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Exactly How Much Website Downtime Is Acceptable?

So you have set yourself up with a website monitoring service and you always know the moment your website goes down. You have your failsafes in place and you diligently go to work to get your site back up and ready for the public as soon as possible. A week later, you get another alert that your site has gone down, notified by your trusted website monitoring partner. Again you go to work to do what you can to minimize the downtime and mitigate the damage.

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Ways to Maximize Your Website Uptime

In the world of online business, downtime reduces profits. Exactly how much money each minute of downtime costs varies from one website to the next and some website’s losses are harder to measure than others, but one thing remains the same across the board… Website downtime equates to lost profits and no company can afford to just throw money out the window when they could save that money by implementing a few simple measures. Here are some simple ways to maximize your website’s uptime, ensuring that the profits lost to downtime are minimized.

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