This year an increasing number of websites will be aiming to achieve a goal of 99.9 percent uptime or more, ensuring that their visitors always have access to their sites. However, while businesses are gaining a better understanding of downtime and web hosting providers are working to minimize downtime on their end, it is important to understand that in 2019, downtime is still a threat that can lead to damage to a company’s bottom line or even to the failure of a website venture altogether.
Read more →Anyone who uses Facebook, WhatsApp, or Instagram knows that Facebook suffered a major Internet outage this March and many are frustrated with the way said outage was handled. What happened? How could Facebook and its affected apps go down for such a long period of time? What should have been done differently? March’s Facebook fiasco is a perfect example of how you should never handle website downtime or a so-called server configuration change.
Read more →We often discuss the many reasons why downtime causes unwanted headaches for online businesses. Those who have been paying attention recognize that website downtime equates to increased customer frustration, decreased consumer confidence, and eventually a serious hit to a business’s bottom line. However, while most professionals do agree that downtime is the bane of all online businesses, many are still taking a reactive approach to fighting website downtime rather than taking a proactive approach.
Read more →In a perfect world 2018 would have seen website downtime become a thing of the past. The fact of the matter is that as websites become more complicated and increasingly dependent upon third-party services, downtime isn’t going to become a thing of the past anytime soon. If we learned anything in 2018, it taught us that website downtime is still a very real struggle, even for the biggest sites on the Web. Here are 5 things that 2018 taught us about website downtime.
Read more →At some point in time, every singe website has to go down due to maintenance. Whether you’re upgrading an aspect of your site or fixing an existing issue, website maintenance is going to bring your site down while that maintenance is occurring. The length of maintenance downtime will vary from site to site and update to update, but one thing remains consistent – you need to ensure that any downtime your website encounters due to said maintenance is as painless as possible for both you and your visitors.
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