Most online businesses have begun to understand the importance of partnering with a quality website monitoring service, but not everyone is familiar with how these services work or exactly what the statistics that these services provide mean for their online business. In order to get the most bang for your buck in the world of website monitoring, you need to understand how to read the website uptime statistics that your website monitoring service provides for you.
Read more →If you manage the server that your website is hosted on, then you know that server monitoring is an absolute must. However, when a person begins to delve into the world of server monitoring services, it becomes immediately apparent that not all server monitoring resources are created equal and that there are different types of server monitoring available, including internal server monitoring and external server monitoring. Which type of server monitoring is right for you? Or do you need a combination of both?
Read more →Almost every single professional who runs a website knows that website downtime equates to lost profits, but the per-minute cost of downtime varies greatly from one business to the next. While it seems like calculating the cost of downtime would be a rather simple and straightforward task, the calculation isn’t as simple as it appears to be on the surface. Before you can decide how much each minute of downtime is costing your company, there are a number of variables that you need to take into consideration.
Read more →When most people think of website downtime, they usually envision ecommerce retailers or large desktop sites that suddenly go dark, but in today’s day and age, both mobile and desktop versions of websites and mobile apps are all hosted for many of the biggest online businesses. While website monitoring is in place for many of the online world’s desktop sites, mobile sites and mobile apps need to be monitored closely as well, as they too can fall prey to the inevitable darkness that we all know as website downtime.
Read more →The terms “website downtime” and “server downtime” seem to be used interchangeably for some people, but the fact of the matter is that these two issues are actually very different in nature. Website downtime happens when a website goes down, whether it be due to hackers, traffic overload, software failure, etc. Server downtime, on the other hand, happens when the server that a site is hosted on goes down, due to things like power or hardware failures.
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