How Website Monitoring Services Protect Your Site from Embedded Web Script Errors

If you talk to the average person who has a bit of knowledge about website monitoring services and ask them what website monitoring entails, they will tell you that these services check to see if your website is down and let you know when an outage of your website occurs. While on the surface that is an accurate description, quality website monitoring service goes beyond that simple explanation. The Internet is ever-evolving, as are the technologies used by the websites that inhabit it.

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How Website Monitoring Service Can Tell You If Your Hosting Plan is Working Out for You

When you signed up for your current hosting plan, you were probably promised or even guaranteed a certain amount of uptime, such as 99 percent or 99.9 percent, giving you the confidence that your website would almost always be up and available whenever your customers wanted access to it. There are some things that you need to take into consideration, however, before you can put much stock into that uptime percentage you were promised.

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How Website Monitoring Improves Your Website Uptime

In the world of the Web, uptime percentages and stats are becoming more and more important. Websites that face unusually high amounts of downtime or perform poorly are the sites that are destined to fail. The cut-throat environment of the Internet means that online companies are now doing everything they can to improve their uptime stats, and that includes employing quality website monitoring services. Why is website monitoring so important and how can it help your website’s uptime? Here are some things you need to keep in mind…

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5 Rules for Successful Server Hosting and Server Uptime

If you are a hosting provider or someone who operates and manages a shared hosting server, chances are that you either already have server monitoring services in place or that you are considering the utilization of a server monitoring service provider in the near future. Whether you already have server monitoring in place or you are considering putting such a safeguard into place in the near future, there are some rules you will want to keep in mind to ensure that your server monitoring efforts are successful and do not do more harm than good to your uptime percentages.

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7 Secrets of Successful eCommerce Businesses

When it comes to successful ecommerce businesses, there are 7 things they all have in common, and they all relate to website downtime. This is because all successful ecommerce businesses realize just how detrimental downtime can be to their online endeavors and to their bottom line. If you want to be among the percentage of online ecommerce sites that do succeed, you need to familiarize yourself with these secrets and take the steps needed to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before you and achieved greatness.

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