Why Website Monitoring Service is a Must

Your website visitors are seeing a 404 error page. Do you know about it? As heart attacks are the silent killer among human beings, website downtime is the silent killer of websites, especially ecommerce websites. If you have a website, the first questions you need to ask yourself are, would you know if your site went down and how long would it take for you to figure it out?

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How Does Website Monitoring Service Work?

Most ecommerce entrepreneurs know that website monitoring service is crucial to the success of their websites. What they don’t always know is how external website monitoring works or the differences between the types of website monitoring available. Before you can be sure you have the right website monitoring service in place on for your site, you need to familiarize yourself with the facts pertaining to the different types of website monitoring and how these services work.

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Hold Your Web Host Accountable with Website Monitoring Services

If you’ve ever shopped for or purchased website hosting services, chances are that you’ve seen a number of hosts, including the one you pay each month or year, claiming an uptime rate of 99.9 percent. The question is, are they really delivering on that promise? When it comes to something as serious as the hosting of your website, you need to be in a position to hold your hosting company accountable. The only effective way to do that is with a quality website monitoring service.

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4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Website Monitoring Service

Most webmasters know the value of quality website monitoring service and ensure that such service is in place on each and every website they operate. However, simply outsourcing your website monitoring to a quality website monitoring service isn’t always enough. While website monitoring service is one of those rare services that pays for itself, you still want to make sure you get the most out of the service you invest in. Here are four ways to ensure you are doing just that.

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Website Downtime: Why Online Sellers Should Never Put All of Their Eggs in One Basket

If you sell online via websites like eBay, you may not understand how you can prevent website downtime from taking a toll on your business’s profits. After all, it isn’t as if you can do anything to prevent a site like eBay from going down, or take action to get it back up and running if it does, but you still need to know when a site outage occurs on a sales platform you do business on. Before you think you are at the mercy of the company you sell your products on, keep these things in mind.

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