When you are out looking for web hosting services, you will find that there are plenty of viable options that are available in the market. There are dozens of providers and each of them provides multiple options for web hosting. This can naturally make you feel lost and confused as you certainly want to choose the best web hosting method for your business. Learning about the various types of web hosting providers can really help you to make your decision when you want to choose a proper web hosting solution for your business.
Read more →Having a good web hosting is one of the major cornerstones of success for any online website. Without the right kind of hosting service, you can never achieve the success that you are seeking for your business. A hosting service is crucial for launching your website. You should choose the service provider carefully in order to make sure that you are getting the best provider for your business needs. On one dimension, a good web hosting provider can enhance your ROI in concrete measurable terms.
Read more →Even the best websites with the most carefully laid continency plans don’t always achieve 100 percent uptime. There is, however, a vast difference between properly mitigated website downtime and instances of downtime that leave the world wondering how things could have gone so horribly wrong. For example, if a website goes down for a day due to a power outage, we wonder where the backup servers are and why they haven’t been implemented. Then we find out there were never any backup servers in place to begin with. That is a facepalm moment.
Read more →For web-based startups investing in web monitoring services appears as a unneeded expense at first look. A startup cannot keep giving bad user experience to new visitors and their precious existing customers. You cannot manually keep an eye for 24 hours on their website. Even if it is possible, you may not get a comprehensive or accurate report. Since if you open your site too often, the browser stores the web pages in the cache and fetches it from there when you open the site.
Read more →Having images that load slowly is of no use. it's necessary to choose images with small file sizes without losing on image quality for a fast loading website.
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