When Kickstarter Goes Down, Communication Is Often Lacking

When speaking of Internet giants, the Kickstarter website has definitely grown to be among them. And like other Internet giants, Kickstarter has proven that even the greatest of the great can fall and succumb to downtime. A crowdfunding platform, the site offers a way for people to generate crowdfunding for projects and ventures. However, while the site may do a wonderful job of helping people raise capital, it isn’t as adept at updating the public when things go wrong with the website.

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Website Monitoring Services: Who Is Keeping Your Web Host In Check?

When you signed up for the hosting package for your website, you were probably promised something like 99.9 percent uptime. The question is, how do you really know whether or not your hosting company is actually delivering on that promise? While nearly everyone realizes the significance of downtime and the impact it can have on ecommerce profits, not everyone knows how to keep an eye on the uptime their hosting service is providing and how to minimize downtime and profit loss due to downtime.

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Website Downtime: It Isn’t Just a Technical Issue

When it comes to website downtime, it is important to understand that the issue is as much of a public relations issue as it is a technical issue. The way in which you handle your website’s downtime has a significant effect on how the downtime affects the public’s perception of your online business. While downtime is sometimes unavoidable, handling the downtime properly can mean the difference between lost customers or increased customer loyalty. If you want to minimize the damage your website downtime does to your site’s image, keep the following tips in mind.

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Monitoring Website Performance: Why it’s As Important As Monitoring Website Downtime

We all hear about it when a website goes down. We all know that website downtime equates to lost profits and even headlines that hurt a company’s reputation. That’s why the majority of serious online ecommerce players put website monitoring service into place. Profitable companies know that website downtime equates to lost profits and website monitoring can help reduce the amount of profits that are lost each year due to downtime. But what about website performance? Is it as important as website uptime?

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How to Use Website Monitoring Services to Increase Your Online Profits

It has become evident that poor website performance can be just as damaging to your company’s bottom line as a complete outage of your website. In fact, poor performance may be even more damaging than website downtime in the long run. Fortunately, with quality website monitoring service in place, you can keep an eye on the performance of your site and if your site begins to perform poorly, you can take measures to improve your site’s performance and, therefore, protect or even increase your online profits. Just how can a website monitoring service increase your company’s profits?

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