When you are the owner of a website, no matter what type of site it may be, it is crucial that your site is always live and available for your customers when they need it, regardless of what time of day it may be. If a potential customer tries to go to your site, only to find that it isn't available, it creates a serious problem. Whether website downtime occurs due to software errors, glitches, malicious attacks, or hardware failures, you need to make sure that you know about the website downtime the moment it happens.
Read more →If you are like most online businesses, you have put a lot of money and effort into making sure your site looks great, is hosted with a reliable hosting provider, is optimized for the search engines, and is secure from malicious hackers and attacks. You may even be paying for the outsourcing of IT management and maintenance. Unfortunately, if you think this is enough, you are sorely mistaken. If you really want to be able to see your site the way customers do, you can't do it from inside your network. You need a third-party website monitoring service put into place to do the work for you.
Read more →Is your business website ready to minimize downtime and ensure maximized uptime throughout 2015? Since website downtime is one of largest threats to your company's profits, you need to do everything you can to ensure that your site isn't down a second more than it has to be throughout the New Year. If you want to maximize your website's uptime and, thereby, maximize your online profits, here are some practices you need to put into place for 2015.
Read more →When Sony's Playstation network and Xbox Live's network went down this past holiday season, many a gamer who needed those services to play the games they had received for Christmas were very disappointed to find a DDoS attack was preventing them from doing so. DDoS attacks are nothing new, and everyone knows they are synonymous with website and server downtime. The question is, in a day and age where new technologies allow us to prevent such attacks, why are they still so prevalent?
Read more →While many an e-commerce site prepared for an influx of traffic and took proper measures to avoid website and server downtime due to the traffic from last-minute holiday shoppers, it was what happened right before, during, and after the holidays that remind us that no one is immune to downtime – not even some of the biggest players in the World Wide Web.
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