How Website Monitoring Service Can Help Protect Your Site from the Dreaded Blacklist

There is one thing that every single website owner should fear, and that is the blacklist. What is the blacklist? It is a list of sites that search engines refuse to include in their search results. Why is it like the plague to website owners? Because the majority of a site's traffic comes from these search engines, which is why so many websites invest a good amount of money into SEO. However, no matter how much you invest in SEO, if your site becomes blacklisted, it's money down the drain and your business will likely flounder. Here are some things to keep in mind to avoid it.

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4 Reasons Website Monitoring Service is Mandatory for Online Success

You may have the best website in the world. Perhaps you have invested thousands into SEO services and have amazing content and a layout that makes your competition drool. You may be surprised to discover that if you do not have website monitoring services in place, your business may be going nowhere fast. Here are four reasons why you absolutely must have a quality website monitoring service in place if your serious about your online success.

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How We Diagnosed GoDaddy's Obscure DNS Outage

Last night the support desk was pinged with several support requests all relating to DNS issues. DNS issues are particularly difficult to understand sometimes, especially when we are reporting your site is down but you can access it in a browser. Other monitoring services may also be reporting your site is up. Unlike your browser and those other services we do not cache any results from the lookup process. That means that each time we resolve your domain name we are getting an 'authoritative' response.

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Website Outages from 2012 to 2014

Website monitoring is critical for a business online irrespective of its size. Website downtime directly leads to losses. According to a recent survey by Ponemon, a single minute of downtime leads to $7,900 of loss and for ecommerce sites, the number is as high as $66,240 for every minute. 8 hours of downtime on any business day would result in $100,000 loss for all small businesses, and $1,696,000 for big businesses. Website uptime, is therefore, one of the determining factors of business success.

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Why Website Monitoring Service is Crucial During the Holidays

When the holiday season hits, along with it comes a flurry of holiday shopping. That means a huge revenue opportunity for ecommerce sites, as long as those sites remain up and running. If your site goes down for the count during the holiday shopping season, it is crucial that you find out about the downtime the moment it happens. This is where website monitoring service comes into play.

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