There are certain things your web host probably doesn't want you to know about. For example, what their actual uptime rate really is, or how much that guarantee they offer is actually worth. Another thing your web host doesn't want is for you to know why it is so important for you to use a quality website monitor to protect the uptime of your site.
Read more →When it comes to choosing a website monitoring service for your business's website, you want to make sure you choose one you can trust. If you don't choose the right website monitor, you may think you are protected from excess downtime when, in reality, you aren't really protected any more than you would be had you not implemented any website monitoring at all. Here are some things to look for when choosing a website monitoring service for your business website.
Read more →Website monitoring services keep becoming increasingly popular as companies recognize the damage that downtime can do to their business's image and profits. Anything that affects a business's bottom line as to be monitored, and downtime is definitely has a big impact on your company's profits. Before you decide whether or not you want to invest in a quality website monitor for your site, make sure you consider the following four facts.
Read more →No matter how large or small your site may be, no site is invulnerable to hacker attacks. As Twitter member EventOracle tweeted in June, 'Our website is down due to spotty geeks malicious hacking, again.' If every minute of downtime costs your company money, and it does, then hackers are a serious threat to your business's profits. Here are some steps you can take to protect your site from hackers and protect your profits from malicious hacker attacks. 1. Keep Your Software Up to Date
Read more →Here at the Alertra blog we talk about things like uptime, web hooks, DNS, and other terms that the average Joe may not be familiar with. It goes without saying that in navigating the world of website monitoring, you kind of have to learn a second language and understanding the benefits of what such a service can offer can be hard if you don't know what you're reading about. For those of you who are interested in website monitoring services but just don't understand why you need a website monitor, why they are so important, or what certain terms and words mean, this post is for you…
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