Cyber Monday is right around the corner. Is your site ready for the traffic it is about to receive? If your business is running Cyber Monday promotions, there are some steps you need to take to ensure that you don't miss out on making the biggest sales of the year.
Read more →Here at Alertra we often discuss the importance of using a reliable hosting company. If your host's servers go down, you want to ensure that the company will take the necessary steps to get your site up and running as quickly as possible. Even outages that last a few hours can cost your company significant profits and can cause you quite a bit of frustration. What if you were to experience an outage that lasted days? That's exactly what has happened to some Dreamhost customers, and the online community is abuzz.
Read more →When it comes to doing business online, website downtime can cause your business to lose credibility before it has even had a chance to establish itself. The site is a perfect example of this fact, as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before a House committee regarding the malfunctioning of the website and its rocky beginning.
Read more →When it comes to selecting a web host, many companies look for hosts that offer uptime guarantees of 99 percent or better. What they don’t realize is that the guarantees offered by web hosting companies are often worth little more than the paper the guarantee would be written on if they were actually indeed written on paper. Before you choose a website host based on the uptime they advertise and guarantee, there are a few things you need to know.
Read more →Most website owners don’t lay awake at night worrying about whether or not their website is going down. Website downtime is, however, a concern that does tend to cross one’s mind every so often. In all reality, any webmaster should make website uptime a priority. Not only can website downtime cost you customers, it can also impact your search engine rankings. Here are five things you need to do before your website goes down to ensure that when the inevitable does occur, you’re ready for it.
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