4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Run Your Website without a Website Monitoring Service

Website monitoring services have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is largely due to the fact that business owners are beginning to realize just how much of an impact website downtime can have on their bottom line. If you’re still not sure whether or not website monitoring is worth investing in, take the following factors into consideration.

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Facebook Goes Down without Explanation

Today many Facebook users woke up to realize that their Facebook accounts were not accessible from their computers. While the mobile app seemed to be working, the actual website itself was down for many. The problem, however, did not seem to be global. While some users reported being able to access their Facebook accounts (such as those in Mexico, Austria, and Canada), others (such as those in the United States) were left without the ability to indulge in their morning Facebook routine.

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How to Move Your Site with Minimal Downtime

Here at Alertra we’ve discussed finding the best website host to serve your company’s needs. However, if you do discover that your current host isn’t everything it promised to be and you do decide to move your blog, there are measures you are going to want to put into place to ensure that the move itself doesn’t cause your site to experience unnecessary downtime. If you plan on moving your website to a different hosting provider, keep the following tips in mind to minimize the downtime your site experiences.

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Google May Forgive Website Downtime, but Will Your Customers?

When it comes to website downtime, many worry about what effect it will have on their search engine rankings. More to the point, they worry about what effect it will have on their Google rankings. While we at Alertra have explained to our readers what measures they can put into place to ensure that website downtime has a minimal effect, if any, on their search engine presence, it is important to remember that Google isn’t your customer.

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Are Cloud Services Endangering Your Site's Uptime?

A number of today's websites rely quite a bit on external cloud services. Many websites utilize a number of external services that make up different components of the site. For example, the third-party advertising and social media controls that you integrate into your site may be hosted on cloud services. If any of the resources that your site uses crash, it can significantly hinder your site's performance and appearance or, even worse, bring your site down entirely. Amazon is a perfect example of what can happen when cloud services go bad.

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