The Truth about Website Uptime Guarantees

As we previously discussed, a web host that is offering an uptime guarantee for the site that you host with them can be an alluring offer.

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Looking to Transfer to a New Web Host to Ensure Website Uptime?

Are you looking to change to a web host with a better uptime rating? After all, if Alertra is notifying you that your site is experiencing an unacceptable amount of downtime, then you’re likely wondering how to minimize that downtime.

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Pirate Bay Experiences Longest Site Outage Yet

In the past we’ve talked in-depth about how great Pirate Bay’s contingency plans are. Regardless of how you feel about pirated software, movies and music, you have to admit that the downtime backup plans put in place by the Pirate Bay community are pretty impressive.

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Netflix Suffers Issues with More Website Downtime

You would think that the nightmares for Netflix would be over and that the New Year would be rung in with a sigh of relief.

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Your Website Monitoring Service Alerts You: This is the Backup Plan You Need

When you utilize a quality website monitoring service you can rest easy knowing that you will be notified via text, email and/or phone when your website goes down.

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