
How to Protect Your Site (and Your Profits) from a DDoS Attack

In past weeks we’ve discussed a number of DDoS attacks that have taken websites down – websites that should have been protected from such things considering the nature of the sites. Holiday season is upon us and if your site is profit-driven and relies upon the sales that are driven by this time of year to generate substantial revenue, the last thing you want is a DDoS attack taking your site down in the coming weeks. Any downtime during this time of year can equate to substantial profits lost. That’s why it’s important to understand that while website monitoring is crucial, anti-DDoS services can be just as important.

DDoS Attacks Pose a Very Real Threat

You never know when a DDoS attack is going to strike – or if your site is going to be the subject of one. While Alertra can notify you immediately if something goes awry, you have to take measures into your own hands to ensure that a DDoS attack doesn’t take your site down entirely.

The truth is that basic firewalls won’t protect your site from DDoS attacks anymore. The attacks are becoming more technologically-advanced and while they used to last a few hours on average, today’s DDoS attacks can last 80 hours or longer. That’s more than 3 days without sales. This time of year, that can be a disaster to your bottom line (not to mention the customers you might lose because of the resulting downtime). So how do you safeguard your site from a DDoS attack? The answer is to invest in anti-DDOS services.

What Anti-DDoS Services Provide

While Alertra’s website monitoring services will let you know if your site is having a problem, anti-DDoS services will jump into action if your site does become the victim of a DDoS attack. These services safeguard your site by providing added bandwidth during the attack, mitigating malicious traffic and providing other services to ensure that your site remains up and accessible to customers while the attack is going on. While you can’t stop a DDoS attack from happening, you can ensure that it doesn’t take your site down if a hacker attacks.

Turning Your Site into Fort Knox

Of course not all website downtime is due to DDoS attacks. Alertra knows this and, regardless of the reason for your downtime, we will notify you when your site goes down. If your site is being compromised due to a DDoS attack, then your anti-DDoS service goes into action ensuring that your downtime is minimal and that you aren’t losing sales during this busy and profitable time of year.